Warner Bros Cartoons - Lead Roles
Title and Date | Characters | Comments |

08/31/46 | Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg | Academy award-nominated cartoon. Foghorn was first seen in this cartoon and was merely intended as a costar for Henery. Walky Talky Hawky introduced several item which would emerge as running gags to be used throughout future Foghorn Leghorn offerings such as a Foghorn vs. Dawg "prank war", a loud "ahhh shudyap!", Dawg running out of rope, and Foghorn claiming not to be a chicken (he says he is a horse). At the end, Henery winds up dragging off a horse, Dawg and Foghorn since "one of these things has got to be a chicken". |

07/12/47 | Foghorn Leghorn Sylvester Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg | Sylvester and Dawg are enemies in this cartoon, who become entangled with Foghorn's attempts to confuse Henery. Once again the young and inexperienced Henery is out looking for a chicken but isn't sure what a chicken looks like. Henery decides to determine who is a chicken (Foghorn Leghorn, Sylvester or Dawg) by watching to see who crows at sunrise. |
10/09/48 | Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg Henery's pop | After Henery's pop tells him that Foghorn isn't a chicken, but is a "loud-mouthed shnook", Henery goes looking for a real chicken. In a bit of a reversal of the usual plotline, Foghorn spends the rest of the cartoon trying to convince Henery that he is a chicken. In the end Henery decides that he'll take Foggy home for dinner - not caring whether he's really a chicken or a shnook. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg | A standard Foghorn Leghorn cartoon with the standard elements: Henery Hawk looking for a chicken, several verses of Camptown Races, Foggy and Dawg having a "prank war" in which Foggy gets ahead early but eventually loses, Foggy sends Henery after something other than himself (ducks, turtles), and in the end Dawg and Henery work togther to bag Foggy. |
05/06/50 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg Henery Hawk | This offers many items in the standard Foghorn Leghorn formula: Dawg and Foghorn in prank wars, Henery looking for a chicken, but unsure what a chicken is, Foghorn telling Henery that Dawg is what he wants (a pheasant). One notable exception from the usual is that Foghorn doesn't sing "Camptown Races", but instead does "Old MacDonald" and (briefly) "A Hunting We Will Go". One highlight involves Foggy putting fake "vanishing creme" on Henery, who then thinks his is invisible as he proceeds to sneak up on Dawg. |
09/16/50 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Cat (unnamed) worm | Foghorn and "Barnyard Cat" spend most of the time fighting over a worm (Cat wants it for fishing, Foggy wants it for lunch). Foggy is at his loud-mouthed peak in this cartoon, as he does all the talking except for one line. |
07/28/51 | Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg Barnyard Cat | Foghorn tells Henery he is too small to want Foggy, and Dawg offers to help for a bone which he can get from Cat for a fish, etc. Foggy inadvertantly helps Henery get what he needs and he drags off the rooster in the end with Dawg's help (the bonehead technique). |
| Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg Miss Prissy | After reading the book "Live Alone and Hate It", Miss Prissy sets out to bag a husband, rolling pin in hand while the other hens laugh at her. In this "prank war" Foggy falls behind early, until he is able to get Prissy to believe that Dawg is a rooster in a dog suit. In the end Dawg and Prissy combine forces to get Prissy a husband. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Kid Banty Barnyard Dawg | After falling off a truck, the pinfeatherweight boxing champ, Kid Banty finds himself at Foghorn's farm. Anytime the Kid hears a bell he comes out swinging, even punching a cow after the cowbell rings (a cowpuncher?). This leads to a series of gags in which Foggy and Dawg try arrange for a bell to ring when Banty is near the other. One rarity in this cartoon is that in addition to Camptown Races, Foggy hums the "This is the way we wash our clothes" tune. |
10/04/52 | Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Barnyard Dawg Mrs. Leghorn | Mrs. Leghorn orders Foggy to sit on her egg. With Foghorn stuck on the egg, Dawg takes advantage of him. Henery wanders by and Foghorn convinces him to watch the egg while he exacts revenge. Eventually Foghorn gets his lumps from the wife when he is caught neglecting his duty. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg (unnamed) Weasel | The plot revolves around Foghorn and Dawg each using the weasel to to cause trouble for the other. Foggy tries to get Dawg in trouble by letting the weasel get near the chickens, while in return Dawg encourages the weasel to go after Foggy. Eventually Dawg clubs Foggy and leads the dizzy rooster into the weasel's clutches. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Miss Prissy Barnyard Dawg | Miss Prissy is distraught over her lack of a husband and sets out to commit suicide. Foghorn happens upon the scene and catches her, saving her life and making the hen fall in love with Foggy. Her attempts to attract Foghorn are resisited, so Dawg offers to help her catch the rooster. He dresses up as one himself, and acts interested in Prissy. Foghorn can't stand that Prissy seems to like someone else and Dawg's plan fools Foghorn into competing for her. In the end Prissy gets Foggy for her husband. A very well executed cartoon with good dialog and even an original song by Foggy about Dawg. |
06/05/54 | Foghorn Leghorn Egghead Jr. Miss Prissy | Foghorn is seeking warming living quarters when he woos Miss Prissy saying he needs her love to keep him warm. She consents to let him in if he'll prove he can be a good father to her son Egghead Jr.. Foghorn's attempts to engage him in various games all wind up the same: Egghead always outdoes him using his genius. Even his paper airplane shoots down Foggy's! Eventually Foggy gives up saying that his bandages will keep him warm instead. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Miss Prissy Egghead Jr. | Foghorn decides to take it upon himself to make sure Egghead Jr. learns to be more than a bookworm and play like a boy should. But as always happens when those two link up, Egghead Jr. figures a better way to accomplish the task at hand. |

02/19/55 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg Henery Hawk | Foghorn and Dawg start out with a barrage of pranks, into which Henery wanders while looking for a chicken. Foghorn's pranks start backfiring - the TNT explodes on him instead of Dawg etc. Eventually the rooster's final prank backfires, resulting in a cement-covered rooster, which Henery carries off. |
| Foghorn Leghorn (unnamed) Weasel (unnamed)hillbilly dog | The chickenyard is threatened by a hungry and hyperactive weasel. Foggy decides to use the little guy to torment the "hillbilly" dog. But the weasel and Foghorn don't work out well as a team as everything they try seems to backfire. |
02/18/56 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg Daffy Duck | In the only cartoon in which the famous duck (Daffy) and rooster (Foggy) meet, Daffy is a traveling salesman from Ace Novelty who happens upon a prank war between Dawg and Foggy. Seeing this as a great opportunity for sales, he sells trick items to both sides. They catch on eventually however and combine forces to bottle Daffy. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Rhode Island Red
| Foghorn's old college chum, Rhode Island Red, drops in by surprise (they went to Chicken Tech). Red is an incurable prankster who Foggy doesn't want around and he spends the rest of the cartoon trying to get rid of him. Most of the attempts backfire, but he eventually prevails. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg (unnamed) fox (unnamed) small rooster | A fox appears and keeps trying to lure away the two protectors of the hens, Foggy and Barnyard Dawg. Eventually they figure out what is going on and cooperate to out-fox the fox. |
05/10/58 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg | Somehow Dawg and Foghorn have survived each their activities to make it to old age. The two old friends watch their grandkids renewing the rivalry, which brings back fond memories of their old battles. |
09/06/58 | Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg (unnamed) Weasel | A wintertime cartoon, providing a change of scenery for the usual Foghorn-Dawg battles, with an appearance by the weasel thrown in for good measure. Foghorn doesn't deny being a chicken this time, but he convinces weasel that he would rather have other animals instead. Foggy then dresses Dawg in antlers (after telling weasel he wants a deer) and in a girtle (after telling weasel he wants a seal). In the end Dawg winds up sending Foggy up on a rocket. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Miss Prissy
Young rooster | Foghorn tries to help out the eggless Miss Prissy by slipping an egg under her. The egg hatches into a young rooster who immediately wants to displace Foggy. Foggy takes the role of mentor to little guy but his attempts to trick the little rooster keep backfiring and Foggy is sent packing. |
06/25/60 | Foghorn Leghorn Egghead Jr. | Foghorn takes Junior out camping. Of course, every lesson Foghorn tries to teach the bright lad is answered by a better solution from Egghead Jr. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Pappy Elvis | Foghorn takes a trip to south of the "Masie-Dixie" line and finds himself the target of two hungry chickenhawks, Elvis and Pappy (the same ones who tried to get Bugs Bunny once). But Foghorn doesn't have to try very hard two outsmart those two and they eventually give up. |
| Foghorn Leghorn Henery Hawk Miss Prissy | In search of warmer living quarters for winter, Foghorn woos Miss Prissy. Things seem to be going his way until Henery shows up as a foundling on the doorstep. Foggy sets out to convince Henery that he (Henery) is a chicken, but to no avail. His attempts to get rid of Henery also prove to be futile. |
07/21/62 | Foghorn Leghorn Widder Hen Junior Mr. Cackle | This cartoon puts Foghorn into the role of babysitter for Junior, the son of Widder Hen. As it turns out, Junior is a born trouble-maker who spends the day pulling pranks on Foggy, who eventually decides that the kid is trouble. (Note: In my opinion, this is perhaps the worst Foghorn cartoon.) |
| Foghorn Leghorn Barnyard Dawg (unnamed) ostrich | Dawg pulls the first prank, putting an ostrich egg under Foghorn, who thinks he is a mother after he notices it. Foggy proceeds to try to raise the ostrich, but Dawg is constantly working to undermine the ostrich's self-confidence. This leads to climatic fight between Foggy and Dawg. |
| Foghorn Leghorn (unnamed) "beatnik" rooster Barnyard Dawg | Foggy is duped into parenthood again, this time by a beatnik rooster who pretends to be an orphan on his doorstep. But his real purpose is to get in to see the "chicks". Foggy keeps trying to teach him how to outsmart Dawg, while "sonny boy" just wants to sneak off to see the chicks. Dawg gets the upper hand in the end however. |
Misc Cameos, Movie and TV Appearances
Title and Date
False Hare 07/16/64 |
Foghorn Leghorn
Bugs Bunny
Big Bad Wolf
B B Wolf's nephew
In the final
Bugs Bunny cartoon made at the old Warner Bros cartoon studio,
Foghorn appears in a brief
cameo at the end. When Big Bad asks "I wonder if anyone would join a chicken club?" Foghorn
pops out of a tree
and responds "Did somebody mention my name?".
Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports 02/15/79 |
Too many to mention
The WB sportsman
of the year award is given after showing an assortment of sports-related
WB cartoons. Foghorn Leghorn in Raw! Raw! Rooster was included in these.
By the way, Foghorn wins the sportsman of the year award.
The Bugs Bunny Mother's Day Special 05/12/79 |
Too many to mention
A collection
of WB cartoons with mom as the common theme. One of the
cartoons was Foghorn Loghorn in Mother Was a Rooster.
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol 11/27/79 |
Too many to mention
This cartoon was part
of the special Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales. It is a Looney Tunes
version of Charles Dicken's classic tale with Yosemite Sam as Scrooge. Foghorn appears
in a minor role as part of a group of carolers.
The Yolks On You 4/01/80 |
Foghorn Leghorn
Miss Prissy
Daffy Duck
Part of the
special Daffy Duck's Easter Special, this cartoon has a brief part for Foghorn
in which he orders the hens to make colored Easter eggs. Prissy lays a golden egg,
but it's the wrong color so she throws it out. The rest of the cartoon involves
Sylvester and Daffy fighting over the egg.
Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island 08/05/83 |
Too many to mention
This was one of
several movies Warner Bros with a plot designed to let them show
a series of their existing cartoons. In this case,
footage from 2 Foghorn Leghorn cartoons appeared: Banty Raids and Of Rice and Hen.
Space Jam 1996 |
Many LT characters
Michael Jordan

Feature film about a basketball game between the Looney Tunes (with Michael Jordan)
and some aliens
from Moron Mountain (who have stolen the talents of several NBA stars). Foghorn
Leghorn and Barnyard Dawg appear
a number of times, including on the court as part of the "Tune Squad".
Just about every Looney Tune character gets at least a cameo in this picture.
There is a
Space Jam website available.
Pullet Surprise 1997 |
Foghorn Leghorn
Pete Puma
Theatrical short released with Cats Won't Dance.
The plot centers around Pete Puma trying to raid a henhouse (for a meal) but Foggy
sees him and spends the time teasing him with various schemes.
KFC (TV Commercial) 1987 |
Foghorn Leghorn
Henery Hawk
commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You can
hear the commercial in real audio format at the site:
The Looney Tunes in Realaudio! .
MCI (TV Commercial) 1998 |
Foghorn Leghorn
Michael Jordan
TV ad for MCI
long distance in which Michael Jordan imitates and irritates Foghorn Leghorn
by making a "bird call".
You can listen to the commercial here.(648k)